Null terminated strings are incorrect

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In the C programming language it is common to store text as null terminated strings. A null terminated string is a sequence of bytes ending in a null byte (0x00, more than one byte for wide characters) that represents a sequence of characters in some text encoding. Each character is mapped to one or more bytes according to the encoding.

C defines the following string types:

All of them are null terminated. Each comes with syntax for creating literals in source code, and functions that operate on them like strcpy.

For example, the literal "hello" is a null terminated byte string represented in memory as 0x68 0x65 0x6c 0x6c 0x6f 0x00. The first 5 bytes come from the ASCII encoding. The next and last byte is the null byte. It doesn't correspond to any character in the original text. It only indicates the end of the string.

The problem

Intuitively a programming language is expected to handle any string in the active encoding. It would be surprising if hello world was an acceptable string while hello earth was not.

C violates this expectation. It does so because it gives special meaning to the null byte. Encodings like ASCII and UTF-8 already assign meaning to the null byte. It encodes the null character. What exactly the null character means is not relevant. It only matters that it is a valid character and encoded as 0x00. This meaning clashes with the meaning C gives the null byte. A string supposed to contain the null character is instead cut short at its position.

For example, hello\0world (\0 is the null character) is a valid ASCII and UTF-8 string that could be a literal in source code or read from a file. It can even be typed on the right kind of keyboard, just like pressing the enter key types the newline \n character. But the string functions in the C standard library cannot handle the null character correctly because they treat it as the end of the string like in the following examples:

This is not a bug in these functions. It is a fault in the C standard for designing the string types with null termination.

The solution

An alternative way to represent strings is with a pointer and a size. This is done in C++'s std::string, std::string_view and other languages. This representation does not have C's problem and has other technical benefits unrelated to correctness that this post does not go into.

A historical reason that C chose the null byte representation is that it saves memory. Only one extra byte is needed. This is no longer a good reason and maybe was not one even then. The gain in efficiency is not worth the loss in correctness.

Use better string types. Do not use C's null terminated string functions. Use libraries that handle strings correctly.

I would like to link a C library that replicates the standard library's string functions with pointer and size but I do not know one.

You can store string literals containing null bytes in arrays with const char text[] = "hello\0world";. This gives you access to the size of the string where a pointer would not. The ending null byte is still added.

Examples of problematic software

SQLite claims its string type stores UTF-8. This is incorrect because SQLite uses null terminated strings. If you try to store a string containing a null byte, it will silently be cut off.

Postgres claims its string type can store UTF-8. This is incorrect because Postgres uses null terminated strings. This is handled better than in SQLite because Postgres documents (search for NUL) the restriction and errors when a string containing a null byte would be used.