This website

created , updated

This post explains how and why this website works.

I want to write simple, plain text documents with little formatting. The natural choice for me is Markdown. I want to avoid dealing with web technologies but still present a rendered version of my texts to web browsers. This can be done with static site generators. The one I am using is Zola.

The source code which generates this site is on Github. The generated static files are hosted by Github Pages. I use Github Pages with my own domain so that I am free to migrate in the future. I will likely self host eventually.

I want the generated HTML to be simple and semantic. This means using native elements like article instead of div when reasonable and giving the browser freedom when presenting the website. For example, I do not enforce a particular color scheme. This allows readers to choose how they want the site to look by using their own CSS or their browser's reader mode.

Mardown examples


use std::net::TcpListener;

fn main() {
    let listener = TcpListener::bind("").unwrap();

    for stream in listener.incoming() {
        let stream = stream.unwrap();

        println!("Connection established!");
    // this line is too long ...............................................................................................................................................................................

and some inline code.


before list

after list

  1. list 1
  2. list 2
  3. list 3


before table

Col 1Col 2Col 3
item 1 1item 1 2 item 1 2 item 1 2 item 1 2 item 1 2 item 1 2item 1 3
item 2 1item 2 2item 2 3 item 2 3

after table


before quote

quote 1

quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2. quote 2.

quote 3

after quote